Collectif Vins et Volailles
Paris, France
The Cuvées Militantes of the Vins et Volailles collective is the project of an all-female team sharing a common passion for eating and drinking well. In 2020, Fleur Godart, founder of Vins & Volailles, surrounded by her partners, decided to create the Cuvées Militantes, in close collaboration with talented winemakers such as Athénaïs de Béru, Julien Albertus, and many others!
But the vintages of the collective are much more than just wines, they are also a new way of communicating the values of gender equality and the place of women in the world of viticulture. It is the observation of an old world to refresh at any cost to “make the label a feminist space, committed to the fight against all oppressions. To make exist essential militant notions on the wine list”.
Nous sommes très heureux de vous accueillir le 6 et 7 avril 2024 pour notre salon annuel ! Vous pourrez y retrouver pas moins de 29, distillateur.rice.s et brasseur.sseuse.s venu.e.s de France, d’Italie, d’Autriche, d’Allemagne, d’Espagne et de Belgique.
Samedi 6 et dimanche 7/04
de 12h à 19h
Ancien garage américain au 156, Chaussée de Wavre – 50m de Titulus
10€ l’entrée pour les deux jours
The sale of alcohol is not allowed to minors.
By purchasing alcohol on the Titulus website you are stating that you are over 18 years old