Migel Mari, Joseba et Mikel Lasa
Isastegi Sagardotegia
Espagne, Pays Basque
Traditionally, this Basque family has been producing natural artisanal cider since the 17th century at the foot of Mount Intxurre, near Tolosa, for the simple pleasure of sharing it with family and friends. In 1983, Migel Mari Lasa, with the help of his father Joxe Mari, decided to expand his production in order to meet the growing demand for this type of product, which the Spanish were increasingly fond of. Gradually, the modest establishment acquires its notoriety and becomes a famous cider factory in the region, but also internationally.
Today, the third generation of Isastegi, Joseba and Mikel have taken over the production of cider, which is made from quality, local and organically grown apples. The production of the cider is tinged with a strong community spirit that makes the surrounding apple growers proud, as not only are the native apples grown by Isategi, but also those of a handful of neighbors, all equally passionate about organic cider growing.
Nous sommes très heureux de vous accueillir le 6 et 7 avril 2024 pour notre salon annuel ! Vous pourrez y retrouver pas moins de 29 vigneron.ne.s, distillateur.rice.s et brasseur.sseuse.s venu.e.s de France, d’Italie, d’Autriche, d’Allemagne, d’Espagne et de Belgique.
Samedi 6 et dimanche 7/04
de 12h à 19h
Ancien garage américain au 156, Chaussée de Wavre – 50m de Titulus
10€ l’entrée pour les deux jours
The sale of alcohol is not allowed to minors.
By purchasing alcohol on the Titulus website you are stating that you are over 18 years old