Éric Pfifferling
Domaine de l’Anglore
Tavel, Occitanie
Eric Pfifferling learned about nature and living things from his father, who was a beekeeper.
Staying humble, calm, trying to understand before acting, accompanying rather than controlling. These are the lessons that have guided his life as a winegrower since 2002. It all started when he took over his grandmother’s vineyards in the circus of Tavel and was advised by his wife father, an old-fashioned winegrower, who was working at the time when everything was naturally organic.
Today, the estate covers about ten hectares with parcels in Lirac in addition to Tavel, a size voluntarily limited to continue working in the right direction.
Eric works alongside his wife Marie and since 2017, their children Joris and Thibault have also joined the management of the estate.
Nous sommes très heureux de vous accueillir le 6 et 7 avril 2024 pour notre salon annuel ! Vous pourrez y retrouver pas moins de 29 vigneron.ne.s, distillateur.rice.s et brasseur.sseuse.s venu.e.s de France, d’Italie, d’Autriche, d’Allemagne, d’Espagne et de Belgique.
Samedi 6 et dimanche 7/04
de 12h à 19h
Ancien garage américain au 156, Chaussée de Wavre – 50m de Titulus
10€ l’entrée pour les deux jours
The sale of alcohol is not allowed to minors.
By purchasing alcohol on the Titulus website you are stating that you are over 18 years old